Bubble Tea from 1990s until now, 2020s


The First bubble tea shop in Taiwan

Chunshuitang and HanLinChaGuan are both with nice food and high-quality bubble tea drinks that have been in the bubble tea industry for decades.

If you are the age of 40s, they could be the ones who grow up together with you.

Most of the people in Taiwan are very familiar with them.

They are now both expanding around the world.

The change in bubble tea drinks

When bubble tea started in the 1980s the menu might be simple with only a few drinks classical Tea/ Green Tea/Black Tea/ Oolong Tea/ Ching Tea

Milk Tea /Green milk tea/Black milk Tea/Oolong milk Tea + Tapioca

And year by year, someone creates concentrated syrup, flavored powder, and other toppings, like jelly to mix or add to the bubble tea.

There made bubble tea more different.

When we were junior high school students, we would buy bubble milk tea with jelly or tapioca, it was really a happy time for young people.

Especially if we could have to go to cram school after class, we would add a piece of fried chick cutlets.

What we called a packaged chicken with bubble tea.

It would be a pleasant time for young students.

chicken cutlet with bubble tea

Bubble tea became famous in the 2000s and start to make more toppings.

In 2006, one of Taiwan's factories had popping boba also called burst popping boba. And it started to be booming in 2012, but it was only a crazy sell for 1 year.

At the end of the year, it was a rumor by one company said that popping boba would release the issue of cancer, people were scared to buy it, and a lot of shops closed.

However, when it is showed that it was fake news, the bubble tea business crashed.

But no matter how it is a very good lesson for all people to re-thinking healthy drinks with less sugar.

So it's not a bad thing.

2010s Tea Latte with milk base bubble tea

After a lot of issues happen, all factories try to build the thing with healthy bubble tea material so Tea lattes become a hit, only milk with boba or tapioca.

Matcha bubble tea and bubble tea manufacturers cut down the color dose and the additives.

Matcha bubble tea

A factory makes the natural color for all of their products and 3-in-1 flavor powder now becomes 2 in 1 without the sugar.

Though the price is higher, people order a lot.

And the bubble tea shop owner will also offer some warnings about not drinking too much bubble tea.

Popping boba and Crystal boba from 2010 to 2020

One of the factories named Chuanda created popping boba in 2006 and booming in 2012, most Europe countries like it as well as the USA market.

It is estimated that Taiwan delivered over 200 containers to E.U and another 200 containers to USA and Canada every month.

However, due to the issue in Germany, it is only booming for 1 year in E.U.

One factory even lost over 5 million USD for only the popping boba.

After this happens, people start to think about the basic drink, and the business might be long-term instead of booming for only 1 year.

From the end of 2015 to 2020

Some people start to create natural drinks by handmade.

The Hand made brown sugar and tapioca via a machine coming out.

As everything is made by yourselves.

Tapioca Bubble Making Machine
The machine is from Dasin, which also produces the shaker machine. the best manufacturer to produce both machines. picture from the Dasin website.

Also the brown sugar syrup by brown sugar.

The procedure is a little bit complicated, if you are interested you can contact us for more information.

The layer drink/walling drinks coming out after

After handmade brown sugar, someone will make their drinks more beautiful looking.

Just like the saying goes, before you buy the thing, you will check if it is good-looking before buying (eyeball business)

So if the drinks "look" very delicious you might be willing to pay for it

And if the drink you like, you will 100 % come back to buy it.

You can refer to our website Drink Gallery for reference.

It is also another hit to the market and some bubble tea booming again and starting to expand over the world.

Layer Drink/Walling Drinks

What is next and what new drinks?

Now people love to have real fruit with nice-looking drinks,

Nice-looking Drinks

Picture from the website of boba Australia.

but the basic drinking is still very important as those new drinks might attract people to come to your shop, but you will still need the basic drinks.

In conclusion

While bubble tea changing, we notice something that is not changing.

The C/P value

It is the key if your shop can be successful or not, you do not have to hire someone beautiful or handsome if you want your business good forever.

People go to your shop for a beautiful or handsome body just for a while, the key is that they would finally go with the c/p value of your goods.

If People feel worthy they will go.

The reputation

Once your c/p value is good, people will use their mouths to do business for you, once your reputation has been built, your business will be prosperous.

Other keys

Of course, your shop must be clean, have nice service, and be friendly, or even if your c/p value is good, they might not go.

Some shops like a Celebrity shop, or sea view shop, will have only 1 thing to attract people, but when there are more competitors around you or people lost interest in your shop, they will not go then shops go bankrupt,

So when you open your bubble tea shop or any other shop, already remember C/P value with you the long-term business ship.

Seafood Restaurant
picture from Yijung website www.yijungpasta.com

One of our friend's shops is name Yijung pasta, the owner Denial Lee, is also creating something new with a high C/P value, now people love it, and open 10 franchisees already, if you come to Taiwan you can pay a visit and give it a try.

Contact Fokus Inc.: Bubble Tea Material Supplier